Anti-racist movement

It is very possible to start an anti-racist movement at UNE but it would take quite a bit of effort.

A social movement at UNE is possible to start but the implications would be hard to overcome. Strong ties are key into starting this movement but for it to endure it would need weak ties throughout the university. The strong ties would need to be between the African-Americans which would take time to build and there would also need to be strong ties with the faculty members that care about starting this movement throughout the faculty and student body. Next there will need to be enough weak ties to spread through the school and raise enough concern through all social groups to start a movement serious enough that they can’t ignore.

Changing a habit

My mom stopped smoking after she found out she was pregnant. After giving birth she tried to start smoking again but just the smell repulsed her to this day. I think a drastic change has to happen in someone’s life for them to willingly decide to stop a bad habit or cycle in their life.

Discourse of race (paper 2)

The Blackness Project was in response to the Whiteness Project film that was released. This film shows the views of African-Americans and what they feel it’s like to be black in America. Black people have been facing bias and this film along with the New York Times article about professionals who experience bias at work bring light to the situation. In the article there are accounts of professionals whose professions were incorrectly identified or not believed. They also explain the behaviors and actions they take to counteract these conceptions. For example Dr. Gomez was seen as not qualified enough so she started wearing her badge on her chest as opposed to on her hip like her colleagues.
